Youtube Bildung ermöglichen – Hoffnung schenken – Zukunft bauen Follow us on Youtube or here Jeremieprojectcongo Social Project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo - Sponsorship for Kids - Support for Families - helping people to help themselves Facilitating Education - Giving hope - Building a future Together we can change the world of an Individual Stand in for the underprivileged DRC, Bukavu GER, Mannheim YouTube Video VVVkcThYX1ZBZE1MTmNFOFRJdjhmRnV3LlJla2pRN1F5Vks0 L’ambassade d’Allemagne a Kinshasa finance un projet d’autonomisation de la femme a l’EST & RDCongo JP contributes to the education, empowerment and integral development of women and children in Congo Official opening of the Textile Design factory in Congo Apres 5 mois de formation les enfants de l'Eole d'excellence Jenga TUmaini jouent deja à la musique. Poeme fait par les enfants de l'Ecole d'Excellence Jenga Tumaini à Kashusha A construction facilitating more than education Journée Porte ouverte et collecte de fond chez Jenga Tumaini asbl Health care for Congo Jenga Tumaini school Kids Choir Mach Mit ...